Posts To-Go

Not much detail in this one other then the fact that I just got ahold of an iPad mini and am looking forward to using it to keep a more active blog record.

I’ll be in Las Vegas from January 4th through the 11th at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and will be looking forward to expressing my thoughts of the show via my various media tools.

That will round out a traveling filled school break, and the best one yet I have to say.

I need to use all this shit for a more engaging blog. It will only help me grow. I’m enjoying that my social media interests have changed following my #ENT195 class.

Check back in soon – meanwhile enjoy life!


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Byron Jaffe and the Power of Positivity | SUP Magazine

During finals while everyone is claiming of struggling through the long days of studying and saying that they might just give up now, I’ve got a buddy down in Florida by the name of Byron (Bo) Jaffe who will make you wish you had never complained about such a trivial event in life.

I’ve known this guy for years and he has never complained or gave up one day in his life. He has truly been an inspiration for me in everything I do, and I think by just reading this article you’ll find something for you too. Props to ya man.

Check this article out everyone, its worth the few minutes:

Byron Jaffe and the Power of Positivity | SUP Magazine.

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Stay in Charge

The recent disasters that have hit the east coast of the USA have inspired a campaign sprung forth in part for #ENT195, but more importantly for a friend of mine who owns a company by the name of iBattz.

This company has devised a rechargeable iPhone case that allows the user the benefit of removing the rechargeable batteries and replacing them with other commonly accessible battery options (leading to days of battery without every plugging in to a power source).

Superstorm Sandy has proved to be the perfect reason to spread the knowledge of what these iBattz Mojo cases can do for you. I personally gave a Mojo charging case to a friend who was able to ‘Stay in Charge’ throughout the entire black-out (which lasted for a week here locally). This added value for her as she became a lifeline and contact for many who did not have a phone or power to use for themselves.

Like our Facebook page ‘Stay in Charge‘ for some deals and upcoming promotions so that we can all stay prepared for any obstacle to come.

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What Skrillex on Piano Would Sound Like |

This ‘change-of-heart’ I’ll call it towards social media, which I guess would really be a change-of-mind could not portray itself better then this rendition of a song by Skrillex below, played out on the piano (definitely not how it usually sounds). A look at some unorthodox music in an olde familiar context.

What Skrillex on Piano Would Sound Like |

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What’s your Brand name?

Michael Kirkpatrick was in the area and came to speak with our #ENT195 class about his personal trek up the social media mountain and how he maintains his brand name. Well not only did he trek that mountain, but he also changed the picture and my focus towards social media usage and what these platforms can do for me as well as others. I started to grasp this concept of the ‘personal brand’ from what he was doing with his array of social channels and how they interconnected with each other all while staying true to his main focus.

It lead me to begin to organize my social communications and start the search for the voice behind the ramblings of my media engagements. I began by first listing the multiple platforms I saw myself engaging in both now and in the future, then was left with deciding how to best utilize each channel. For example, I felt that I should no longer be following twitter feeds for escape but more to educate myself quickly of the current events while I had a second in the day. I could always just search the Humor section of Pinterest if I really wanted to waste some time escaping.
Main Point is that we all need a brand name for ourselves that we’ve created, not one that our lack of participation has created for us. And I would like to say and encourage that I and we should use these tools to change the view of many towards what these social medias can and should do for us.
Finding your best use for each platform may not be so easy though, as it seems to be a constant learning curve for me (even when I thought I knew it all). So I don’t know what role my blog will play in my personal Brand name, but for now it’s going to be a thought box. I like a phrase I heard today which stated something along the lines of, ‘let the internet be an archive for your memories’.
I’m trying to get better at this just stick with me…
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Where we bloggin’ at?

As I’m looking over many of my classmates blogs from #ENT195, I’m still seeing some of those who are only blogging to complete the assignments (like myself ), but then there’s those who have taken their blogging to another level. Recalling everything from trivial daily activities, to their favorite music or influence of the week. These posts, in conjunction with a guest speaker we had on Monday, really inspired me to want to get my thoughts out, in proper form of course, into the blog format that will reach to more then just this class one day.

I don’t have much else to say that hasn’t been said before about everyone’s blog posts, but I promise you’ll be hearing more from me…

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To Follow or Unfollow, that is the Question

Looking over my twitter feed I find that my main use for this tool has really been just for enjoyment. I’m only following my friends, for the most part, and a few “witty twitties” out there with a good joke or fun fact. ( I think I just made up that phrase?)

From what I’ve learned in #ENT195 and even #COMM30, twitter is a platform that I could take much more advantage of both by being more of a content creator and a more active consumer. I can see my future (most likely out of college) as following more of the news feeds and other more worldly related content.

On a side note I had also recently created a twitter feed at my place of employment, yet in the business side of twitter I am definitely a newbie, and have no idea of who to follow or which content to provide. Something that I really hope to improve the engagement upon based on what I can take away from #ENT195

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How’s your blog?

Looking over a few of the blogs I find myself quite relieved that I’m not on the low low end of trying to figure out how to use these tools, not trying to throw anyone under the bus here of course. But one blog that struck me as exceptional and made me want to keep on reading was Steph Deluca’s, the style, the pictures, the words, the feel, THAT was what I thought a blog should look like. I know that she seems to have been doing this for a while, as the people who have had blogs dating back before this class started are looking a little ahead of the game. I’m sure that one day most of us in #ENT195 will be boasting off our blogs too! Well until the next one, enjoy the elements…

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“Like” or “RT”…Which ones for you?

Twitter and Facebook have both at one point or another been regarded as a huge waste of productive time, a thought which has recently changed to focus now on how we can maximize our productivity with other media consumers time using these media platforms.

Well the biggest difference I have personally found between the two sites relates to the type of data that is being uploaded and downloaded throughout. In Facebook, the type of data we see largely relates to our “keeping up” with what everyone else is up to, whether by scanning their pics or scrolling down their timeline to see where they’ve been. Then I turn to Twitter where the data is more environmentally related, so to say, rather then personally related. When I say environmentally I am referencing that Twitter seems to have a much more diverse network reach with information flowing from any source you may choose to follow.

From reading some links about the Facebook Page I found more ways to interact with and use a Facebook page then I ever thought I would come to know, skills that will definitely carry with me past this course. Not to say that I learned nothing about Twitter, but nothing so stylistically altering as that.

As far as my comments or concerns with both Twitter and Facebook, it may seem and feel, whether we enjoy it or not, that this world is coming to be one without a protective privacy policy for everyone. With that being said, if you don’t want everything you read and write to be viewed by everyone else, you must either monitor your policies and followers everyday, or quit using social media. However, I disagree with those who are running a separate and now “professional” version of their twitters to share with the world. If you don’t want people to know what your thinking and doing, then don’t tell them. Don’t write about how much you miss your ex- on Twitter if your worried about being made fun of for it or how much weed you smoked at 4:20 if your not willing to really embrace that you choose to smoke weed. What is the “professional” version of ones-self anyway? The one that only tweets politically correct statements and will never have to worry about the school or future employer looking down my back ’cause this is my good twitter account? Just hope they never find my real account and see all my drunken escapades right? Oh wait I’m tagged in all of those pictures on Facebook…

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Day 1 plus Homework

Holy blog post, figured I’d wait til the end of the night for this one so 4am sounds appropriate. But anyways to start us off the LU Zoellner account has been handed over authority since July 17th I believe… I was hinted of this by the Brand. New. Website. post and complete change of writing style and enthusiasm with the facebook project itself from then on. Can’t fool me.. unless its not that date of course.

And to hit on that social media note, Cathryn Sloane, the writer of that pretty stupid blog has got a lot to learn about both social media and those who use it. Well sure you grew up with it, but these “old guys” who have apparent little knowledge of these products have learned to fully understand its uses of/for social media at times of their lives when someone may think that they are utterly ignoring it. One could acknowledge that and duely note that the people who are in their 40s and 50s are the ones who might have just taught your 22 year old fresh outta college ass how to effectively use social media in your place of current employment. So sure maybe you can create some content here or there, but at under 25 you aren’t MANAGING much more then your work load and drinking load.

Last but not least are the LIKES for the Zoellner page… engage in a school spirit campaign that involves the students reaching out with a sense of school spirit and sharing their feelings towards it with others via social media platforms and including the LU Zoellner page as a start for support and hopefully carrying on to affect the other university departments as well.

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